Common Issues Within Crawlspaces and Basements During the Spring Time

A lot of local residents are eagerly awaiting spring’s arrival. The warmer temperatures and beautiful scenery seem to put everyone in a better mood. While the spring is certainly a great time of the year, homeowners must make a few important preparations. Here are some of the most common issues that tend to plague crawlspaces and basements.

Excess Moisture Buildup

The runoff from melting snow can definitely cause problems. As the ground thaws, moisture often builds up inside basements and crawlspaces. Unfortunately, the dampness tends to promote the growth of mold. According to health experts, allergy and asthmatic sufferers are especially sensitive to mold. Installing a vapor barrier will give you an additional peace of mind. This feature essentially prevents moisture from penetrating the walls. Aside from helping to keep things dry, a vapor barrier also acts as an extra layer of insulation.

Standing Water

Along with the warmer weather come spring showers. If your property does not have a good drainage system, the rainwater can easily creep inside your basement or crawlspace. The standing water gradually weakens wooden structures and creates the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive. By eliminating uneven areas, proper crawlspace grading can fix this issue. Gutter downspouts will also help direct rainwater away from your home’s crawlspace.

The Emergence of Pests

When the spring season finally rolls around, expect a lot of household pests to be on the prowl. Your home may prove to be a prime target. If moisture is allowed to remain inside your crawlspace or basement, you could be facing a lot of trouble. From mice to snakes, a variety of different critters could be lured to your crawlspace. There are plenty of problematic insects that will be attracted to the humid conditions. You definitely need to protect your home from termites. These wood-eating pests love dark, moisture-rich environments. If you don’t act quickly, you could be facing thousands of dollars in property damage.

Don’t hesitate to contact Jersey Shore Crawl Space & Pest Control for more information. Our team of specialists provides a number of important services that will help protect your home.